Album: 11370 Coral Hills
This is one of the 1st houses we looked at. It was ruled out due to slab foundation problems in the past. We didn't want those headaches!!!
Date: 06/27/2004
Owner: Jason Hinds
Size: 15 items
Views: 2424
Album: 3122 Newcastle
We got to this one before the sign went in the yard. It was a really nice home but too small. At 114K there were 3 over full price offers only a week after we turned it down.
Date: 07/22/2004
Owner: Jason Hinds
Size: 10 items
Views: 2503
Album: 3124 Flowerdale
This is the house we are purchasing. We have a home inspection on 8/03 and are having a bid to redo the hardwood floors. We have gone from nervous to excited!!!
We walked the deal a week later -$600. We're still looking.
Date: 08/01/2004
Owner: Jason Hinds
Size: 27 items
Views: 2642